Blackout Tonight

Prologue + Chapter 1

05/03/2012 16:33
Watch the trailer at...

Chapter 2 - “Angels & Vampires”

05/03/2012 16:41
[ Present Day ] I came to in a large arena that looked eerily familiar for some...

Chapter 3 - “Rebirth”

05/03/2012 16:43
“I don’t like the idea of you goin’ through all of this alone, man.” “I’m good Phil, I mean...

Chapter 4 - “Wanna Bet?”

05/03/2012 16:44
I don’t know what came over me, why I had attacked the poor woman.  It’s not like I had...

Chapter 5 - “Trouble in Paradise”

05/03/2012 16:45
I couldn’t hide the grin on my face as I sat in the backseat of the car, being taken to Vida...

Chapter 6 - “I Own You”

14/03/2012 10:48
‘Trouble In Paradise? - Last night at the Vida Salsera in Waikiki, Hawaii, singer and recently...

Chapter 7 - “Insanity”

14/03/2012 10:53
I sat across from Roxy, the coffee table separating us.  She stared at me with a challenging...

Chapter 8-10

01/07/2012 20:02
Chapter 8 - “Psychopath” I called Phil for the fourth time since we landed at LAX, and I still...

Chapter 11-15

01/07/2012 20:05
Chapter 11 - New Endings & New Beginnings   “Bruno!” Roxanne exclaimed, “H-How did...

Story Timeline

01/07/2012 20:10
I forgot to re-post this…it was an answer to someone’s ask forever ago on the old blog; * So...

Chapter 16-20

01/07/2012 20:11
Chapter 16 - Real Vampires, Real War   Two out of the remaining five elitists were left...

Chapter 21 - Silent. Dead.

21/07/2012 18:23
The sun had risen, it was bright daylight outside and shone through the side of the castle that...